Content writing for infographics

Content research and writing for infographics.

Click to open the infographic.

Click to open the infographic.

Scottish Development International asked me to research and write infographics that would sell Scotland to nine different countries.


That meant a lot of research.

For instance, did you know Scotland is home to the world’s first cloned mammal and the world's first commercially available bionic hand?

After looking into discoveries and innovations, I then needed to research Scotland’s relationships with specific countries too. I’ve put the Australian example up here for you to see, where you’ll learn that Scotland beat Australia at cricket (once), and is home to a colony of wild wallabies. (See, you’re already smarter than you were yesterday – that’s the power of infographics.)

Infographics can be effective, if they're used properly.

Infographics are one of those marketing tools that appeared suddenly and got overused by every marketing manager keen to be seen with ‘the latest big thing’. But that’s not to say they’re a flash in the pan. Used properly, they can tell a story in a way that holds your reader’s attention and gets your message across. They’re also a good way of presenting complex information.

So if you’re looking for someone to research and write a persuasive business argument for you, get in touch.