Brand copywriter and content designer.

I'm an experienced senior copywriter, and I write for brands of all sizes in all kinds of industries — online and off.

Want to cut to the chase and see if I’m available? No problem, just drop me a line.

Making brands sound good online.

If you’re looking for website copy, emails, video scripts, blog posts and just about anything that needs sharp words online, then yes - I do all that. And I make sure your writing reflects your brand, feels human, tickles the search engines and gives your audience what they want.

Writing for people.

Sounds obvious, but remembering there’s a real, flesh-and-blood person on the other end of your words and ideas is vital. It’s a question of not just writing what your brand wants to say, but considering what your audience wants and needs to hear.

That’s especially important with digital media. Considering the user experience (UX) when writing copy helps people find the right info and act on it easily,

Good writing starts with a plan.

Effective brand copy needs to sound human. But that entails lots of clever thinking before writing anything, so your words do their job. I even offer brand naming services to make sure you don't end up with something like the 'Nissan Cedric' (honestly, it really existed).

Case studies.